Mikroskop Metalografi Terkomputerisasi Computerized Metallographic Microscope TIME-40MW

Mikroskop metalografi terkomputerisasi TIME-40MW adalah mikroskop metalografi tegak trinokular. Mesin ini memiliki kinerja pencitraan yang sangat baik dan pengalaman pengoperasian yang nyaman, memberikan pelanggan analisis metalografi dan solusi inspeksi industri yang hemat biaya.


Viewing Head

Dengan tingkat penglihatan yang paling sesuai, kepala miring 30° menjaga semua orang dalam kondisi kerja terbaik, mengurangi ketegangan dan kelelahan. Skala pada kepala penglihatan memudahkan pengguna untuk mengatur jarak antar pupil yang optimal.

Iluminator Vertikal

Mengadopsi sistem iluminasi Kohler, dengan diafragma bidang, diafragma apertur, dan perangkat iluminasi miring, serta slot untuk kit dan filter polarisasi.
Dibandingkan dengan LED lainnya, LED tunggal 5W dengan pencahayaan putih hangat (3000-3300K), meminimalkan kelelahan visual pengamat.
Dengan perangkat batang penarik untuk mengatur pusat bidang dan diafragma bukaan, cahaya menyimpang dapat dihilangkan dengan memperluas atau mengecilkan zona iluminasi.
Pengamatan polarisasi sederhana tersedia dengan kit polarizer yang dapat dicolokkan. Anda juga dapat memilih filter berbeda untuk mendapatkan efek observasi ideal sesuai kebutuhan Anda.





Optical system

infinity-corrected optical system


Viewing Head

30° inclined;  Infinity hinge three-way viewing head; the interpupillary distance is adjustable between 54mm – 75mm; diopter adjustment: ±5 diopters; two-level split ratio R:T=100:0 or 50:50



High eye-point wide field plan field eyepiece PL10X/22mm


High eye-point wide field plan field eyepiecePL10X/22mm (Adjustable diopter, with micrometer


High eye-point wide field plan field eyepiecePL15X/16mm


Infinity plan achromatic objective

LMPL 5X /0.15   WD10.8mm


LMPL 10X/0.30  WD12.2mm


LMPL 20X/0.45   WD4.00mm


LMPL 50X/0.55   WD7.9mm


LMPL 100X/0.80  WD2.1mm



Internal positioning five-hole converter


Focus Adjustment

Transmitted & Reflected frame, coaxial focus system with tension adjustment and up-limited device, coarse range: 28mm, fine precision: 0.002mm. Stage can be adjusted up and down, 28mm high sample is available.


Reflected frame, coaxial focus system with tension adjustment and up-limited device, coarse range: 28mm, fine precision: 0.002mm.

Stage can be adjusted up and down, 78mm high sample is available.



Double layer mechanical stage with X/Y coaxial adjustment, size: 175mmX145mm, moving range: 76mmX42mm.


Metal plate for transmitted frame; glass plate for transmitted & reflected frame.


Reflected illumination

Wide-range voltage 100V-240V_AC50/60Hz, reflected lamp-house with single 5W LED, warm color. Koehler illuminator with oblique light device,

center adjustable field and aperture diaphragm


Transmitted illumination

Wide-range voltage 100V-240V_AC50/60Hz, transmitted lamp-house with single 5W LED, warm color.



N.A.0.9 swing-out achromatic condenser for transmitted frame, with center adjustable aperture iris diaphragm.



Yellow/neutral/IF550/LBD filter for transmitted light


Metallographic Analysis System

FMIA2020 Metallographic analysis software; Sony chip 5 million camera device, 0.5X adapter lens interface,

high-precision micrometer (100×0.01mm, 100×0.01cm, calibration: d = 0.15mm, d = 0.07mm



HP business PC


Note: “·” Indicates standard delivery; “O” indicates optional accessories.


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– Telp & WhatsApp 0812-1248-2471
– Email alfin@testindo.com


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