Mesin Uji Penjepit Paket ( Package Clamp Testing Machine ) HD-A534



Mesin Uji Penjepit Paket
Hingga ASTM D6055
Kontrol PLC


Peralatan pengujian penjepit mensimulasikan proses mobil schnabel mengeluarkan paket, selama proses ini, gaya penjepit kedua papan akan mempengaruhi paket dan kargo. Dan tes ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sifat resistensi paket terhadap gaya penjepitan ini.

Specimen shape Parallelepiped transport package
Max. Specimen weight 500kg
Clamping pressure force According to the transport diagram on the test sample, the operator can add 400~3000Lb (adjustable) pressure force on the corresponding surface
Clamping board size H*D 48*48inch
Clamping board adjustable height 0~500mm
Elevation speed 10~300mm/min optional
Clamping board expansion width 200~2000mm
Baseboard dimension W*D 1500*1500mm
Clamping board requirement Make sure the two clamping board are flat, parallel and non-deform under the work condition(2000Pound) and clamp board and land are vertical. Clamping board thickness no less than 25mm.
Corrector of force Force value display used to correct clamping force
Force precision National standard 1.6 level
Operation Manual operating rod simulates fork truck actual operating actions such as clamping control, opening, lifting up, lifting down or automatic switching mode operation (clamping board thickness no less than 25mm)
Device width Less than 2.5m



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