Alat Ukur Radiasi Matahari Pyranometer RK200-03 SDI-12

Pyranometer RK200-03 diproduksi berdasarkan prinsip termopile; elemen penginderaan dibuat dengan melilitkan termopile berlapis dengan banyak kontak, permukaannya dilapisi dengan lapisan hitam dengan tingkat penyerapan yang tinggi.

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Pyranometer RK200-03 diproduksi berdasarkan prinsip termopile; elemen penginderaan dibuat dengan melilitkan termopile berlapis dengan banyak kontak, permukaannya dilapisi dengan lapisan hitam dengan tingkat penyerapan yang tinggi. Kontak panas pada permukaan sensor, sedangkan sambungan dingin terletak di dalam tubuh, perbedaan suhu antara sambungan panas dan dingin menghasilkan gaya gerak listrik, efek termoelektrik sebanding dengan radiasi matahari. Untuk mengurangi efek suhu sekitar, sirkuit kompensasi suhu dirancang di sini untuk mengurangi efek pada properti produk.


Item Specification
Spectral range 300-3200nm
Supply 5V,12-24VDC
Range 0-2000W/m2
Output 0-20mV,0-5V,4-20mA,RS485, SDI-12
Sensitivity> 7-14μV*W-1*m2
Internal resistance 350Ω
Non-linearity(Accuracy) ≤±2% of full measurement scale
Measuring angle 2π solid angle
Response time ≤20s(99%)
Zero drift( temperature drift:5k/h) ±5W/m2
Stability ±2%/year
Cosine correction ≤±7%(Solar elevation angle=10°)
Temperature effect ±2%(-10℃-+40℃)
Operating temperature -40℃-+80℃
Recalibration interval 2 years
Desiccant Silica gel desiccant
Weight(unpacked) 2.5kg
Pack Aluminum alloy instrument box
Dimension ø185*120mm
Installation bracket(optional) Horizontal bracket or adjustable angle bracket
Ingress Protection IP65
Storage Condition 10℃-60℃@20%-90%RH



● 0-20mV

Solar radiation values(W/m2)= Voltage output value(μV)/sensitivity coefficient(μV*W-1*m2),

Each product is with one sensitivity coefficient respectively  (It is mentioned on the product’s label)

● 0-5V

Solar radiation values(W/m2)=(V/5)*2000(Where V is output voltage value, unit:V )

● 4-20 mA

Solar radiation values(W/m2)=((I-4)/16)*2000(Where I is output current value,unit:mA )

● RS485


● SDI-12

Standard Communication Protocol


● The sensor should be installed in the open air without any shield above the sensing surface.

● The sensor connector should be faced to the north, fix it after the horizontal position is well adjusted.

● Please check the filter cover regularly & make sure it is clean.

● Please do not remove or loose the filter cover,otherwise the accuracy will be affected.

● Please make sure the desiccant to be dry .(If the color of desiccant is changed from blue to red or white,  it should be replaced,it is recommended to replace the desiccant every 6 month.)

● Protection cover is not necessary in general rainfall, but if prolonged heavy rains or hail,  the protective cover is recommended to be installed.

The sensitivity is recommended to be re-calibrated after two years use.



  1. Agriculture
  2. Factory
  3. Farm
  4. Forestry
  5. PV Power
  6. PV Station
  7. Schoolyard Weather Station
  8. Solar Radiation monitoring Station

Contact Us:
– Telp & Whatsapp 0812-1248-2471
– Email



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